
Sometimes the excitement of getting started on a project or the urgency of an issue creates an overwhelming desire to jump right in and get started. Before you start, it is important that you use all of the knowledge you gained about yourself and the community to develop a vision statement, goals, and objectives for your work. Your vision, goals, and objectives will provide you with clear and succinct ways to talk about your work, as well as the ability to measure the effect of your work over time.


Now that you’ve done your research, it is time to utilize your knowledge to identify the need/issue you hope to address in your work and allow that to inform your vision, goals, and objectives. 

  • Vision - Stated in the present tense, your vision should reflect the ideal outcome of the work.
  • Objectives - Steps that move you closer to your goals. They should be measurable, achievable, and time specific.
  • Goals - Stated in the future tense, these general statements should define the endpoint of your work.
  • Action Steps -  Specific tasks to be taken to accomplish an objective.


Setting the Stage 

  • What is the issue you hope to address through your work? 
  • What does this issue look like in real time for individuals/communities? 
  • What is the community need your work will address? 
  • What other individuals/groups are already working on this issue? 
  • What can you do to have a positive impact on this issue? 

Vision - Looking at your answers above, outline a vision statement for your work. 

Goals - Develop three goals that are in alignment with your vision. 

Objectives - Develop six objectives that are in alignment with your goals. 

Action Plan - What is your plan of action to accomplish the objectives you have listed above?